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Our Projects. 

Every village we pass through is important, and every family is precious. Every human being is child of God whose life we have been given the privilege to touch in our travels. So far we have hiked to the villages of Tamboko, Dorma, Mbonage, Aroligo, Poha, Chiri and Kongulae. This is just a short overview of our Jungle Ministry hike program.

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Project 1- Sabbath. 
Down to Earth Services

Every Jungle Ministry hike begins with prayer walking. Sabbath morning, as we enter into unreached territory, we pray as we walk. We know that the people who live in these villages will never be touched unless the Holy Spirit goes before us. We then send our local scout in to visit the village elder or chief. We always have a scout with us to clear the way for our entry, then we begin what we have named 'Down to Earth Services." Spreading out over the village with gift bags we visit every family. Hut to hut we go, and every one receives food, kitchenware, medicine for common skin problems, and Bibles. Quality time is spent with every family who invites us in. We spend time in praying and Bible reading with those who long to know about Jesus. For those with medical problems we endeavour to have a nurse to attend to their needs. When we cannot bring a nurse with us we do our best with the instructions we have been given from doctors previously. When we have covered every home in the village we walk to the next one... To help us with medical supplies, and food for this project click here.

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Project 2- Sunday.
Community Service

In the evening we camp out, and whatever the weather conditions we slept (or attempted to sleep) through, Sunday morning we are back at work in same villages. This time though, its for hard yakka. We will do anything that the people need. We collect and carry firewood, build huts, clean up vegetable gardens, help with harvesting food, the list is endless and ever growing. Often we meet widows or people with disabilities. These people are especially in need of physical help. To help us with tents, raincoats, warm fireproof blankets and first aid kits click here

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Project 3- Sunday.
Eat Together 

Our last mission is to invite all the villagers to come together and eat with us. We share whatever food we have, and over this local meal we bond together, laugh together, tell stories, and build bridges of connection. At the end of the day we are invited over and over to please return and visit again. These people are beginning to see that Jesus' love is truly real. To help us click here

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